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The media made the Space Force a joke. “Basically, no one can believe that this is a real thing and we can hardly blame them.” –The Wrap “Thankfully, however, the real-life version of the U.S.’s fictional space-faring Military Force, dubbed…
“Adapt or perish, now as ever, is nature’s inexorable imperative.” -H. G. Wells How do you reconnect with people you haven’t spoken with in a while…? Well, if you’re good enough friends, you just pick up exactly where you…
If it was easy, everyone would do it. (You can scroll down to the “START HERE” section to jump straight to the information about the short term rental investment machine in Colombia.) The older I get, the more that saying…
Some disclaimers and background info, before I dive in: Psychedelics are extremely powerful medicines that should not be taken lightly. In the right hands, they can be used to treat (and even cure) many mental health problems like depression and…
Most of 2020 felt like a bizarre time warp, mixed with dramatic emotional ups and downs. Perhaps I’m being a bit dramatic. But, for me, it felt like one day I was stuck in the movie Groundhog Day, and…
I’m seriously thinking about writing a book about my last year. I’d write it as a non-fiction novel, explaining everything that happened in detail. It’s unlikely anyone would believe me, so the book would end up in the fiction category…
“Viwus,” she asked? “Yeah, a virus is something that makes people sick. And if sick people touch other people or things, then the virus can spread. So, it’s best to avoid people and places that might have the virus,” I…
I can already sense that your blood is boiling. Just the mention of this man’s name gets you ready to fight. Maybe you’re defending him or maybe you’re attacking him. Whatever side you’re on, Trump has clearly created a division….
One of my morning rituals is to go through my daily Google Alerts email that I receive everyday. In addition to following all of my portfolio companies, I have also set alerts for keywords in the psychedelic industry. “Magic mushrooms,”…
In the summer afternoons along the Southern California coast, the wind picks up out of the north. Some afternoons are stronger than others, but just like clock work you can expect a breeze to pick up around 1pm and blow…