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Since going public last week, plant-based-meat manufacturer Beyond Meat has risen over 250% to make for an unbelievable market cap of nearly $5 billion. And that’s with revenue under $100 million. It’d be easy to point out the frothiness of…
9,000,000,000 chickens, 121,000,000 pigs, and 32,000,000 million cows are slaughtered every year in the United States. Globally, those numbers are much larger and expected to increase as growing middle classes can afford more expensive protein sources. Don’t worry… this is…
“We can produce enough cannabis to serve the entire country of Canada,” he said. “Of course, we’re not going to be running at full production levels until we’re confident we can sell what we produce. But, we are certainly ready…
This article is in reference to a question that is currently very common in the real estate and investing world. Q: What will trigger the world-wide real estate bubble to burst? A: Nothing. There is no such thing as a…
We all want the secret map that leads us to success, riches, and pleasure. It’s one of the oldest desires that is consistent with nearly every culture throughout the world. This desire that we all share, to have access to…
I want you to picture the stereotypical cannabis user. What kind of clothes are they wearing? What does their hair look like? Where do they work? Do they look something like this? Now I want you to think about a…
“Unfortunately, bubbles are only recognized with 100 percent certainty in 20/20 hindsight,” says the man who accurately predicted the 2008 housing crash and the beginning the current housing slowdown. James Stark, who manages well over $1 billion, thinks we are…
He was on the outside patio smoking like a chimney when we walked in the front door of the house. “Who is smoking!?” My wife asked. “Oh, that’s Rick. He’s outside,” replied our neighbor. We had just arrived at our…
If you were to ask the average investor where their wealth is held, they’d probably say something like, “Stocks, bonds, commodities, cash, and some real estate.” That’s a perfect answer according to most financial advisors. It’s a great idea to…
“It’s tempting for me to say that, ‘People shouldn’t invest in China so I have less competition.’ So, everyone who is listening: Don’t invest in China.” That’s what David Rubenstein had to say about investing in China while at the…