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Exchange rates can kill your retirement. It’s the last thing someone thinks about when they’re about to enter their golden years.
Italy’s Vote Will Start a Banking Crisis & Trump Saves America. Or Not. I spent several hours yesterday talking with friends in Italy. As most of you are aware, the country has a major vote this Sunday, December 4th….
Making money no matter what the economy does is hard. But, we can find certain areas of the market that are doomed regardless of what happens.
Fidel’s dead, so now we can invest in Cuba, right? Well… not really. But, there is still away to profit from the changing communist island.
Do you have an investment quiver? A bag of tricks? Tools that you can pull out depending on your job? Start building one today.
3 investments in a Trump economy. As we enter a ‘new’ economy, there are new opportunities to look at. There is always a way to profit!
Skyscrapers and stock markets are telling us something. They are both reaching record highs at the same time. Historically, this is not a good thing.
Is Legal Marijuana At Risk Under Trump? Good people don’t smoke marijuana. That’s what the new US Attorney General Jeff Sessions said in April.
Good debt and bad debt are a constant argument. Which kind do you have? What kind does our economy have? Here’s a hint: it’s bad.
Irrational investors can suck you into a story that doesn’t exist. Remember to not follow these people – they’ll steal your wealth.