Explore. Discover. Invest.


Make Money From Hillary and Trump

Make Money From Hillary and Trump

“The stock market always goes up in the long run, so if I am investing for the long term, why does it matter when I buy stocks?” I’ve heard this rationale several times in the past week. People continue to…

Banking on Asia’s Building Boom

Asia has gotten a lot of bad press lately. However, the enormous investment into the infrastructure that will support the area in the future might be overlooked by most investors.

Preparing for a Broken Internet & WW3

Preparing for a Broken Internet & WW3

Success depends upon previous preparation, and without such preparation there is sure to be failure. -Confucius As an international investor, I try to stay aware of what is happening in the world. Unfortunately, as we all know, the news has…

This Investment is Completely Out-of-Whack

This Investment is Completely Out-of-Whack

“Hindsight is 20/20.” Ever heard of that saying? It’s the idea that we can look back in time and clearly see what we unfortunately missed at the time. This is especially true for people’s financial decisions. Time and time again,…

What’s the Matter With Europe?

I came across a tiny book a couple weeks ago that I felt I had to share with you. It’s titled, What’s the Matter With Europe?At first I thought it was a spoof; a little book with jokes about Europe….

Today’s Best Strategy For Your Wealth

Today’s Best Strategy For Your Wealth

“Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win.” – Sun Tzu When I started writing today’s article, I wanted to talk about risk. I wanted to show…

Do You Have Any Dry Powder?

Liquidity is an illusion. When you have money, it’s hard to find anything to buy that has real value. When you don’t have money, you are surrounded by incredible opportunities that you can’t pursue. That was the theme of Ethan…

The Best Investment for 2017?

The Best Investment for 2017?

There are lots of areas right now that look promising for investors, which include: AI (artificial intelligence) VR (virtual reality) Marijuana Healthcare Transportation BUT… and there is a huge but here… we need to understand what is going on in…

Why You Should Do Nothing

If you’re reading this… thank you. Thank you for having an open mind. For realizing that everything we are told in our lives may not be true. Thank you for having the guts to say, “Hey this isn’t right. Something…

Shopping For Countries On Sale

On Wednesday I talked about China and how their currency is about to change. If you hold US dollars, euros, pesos, pounds, Aussie dollars, or really any currency, then you should be aware of what is going on. Essentially, what…