Explore. Discover. Invest.


knowing where to look

Knowing Where To Look Is The Biggest Challenge

We all want the secret map that leads us to success, riches, and pleasure. It’s one of the oldest desires that is consistent with nearly every culture throughout the world. This desire that we all share, to have access to…

Easiest Way To Get Involved In The Cannabis Industry

The Easiest Way To Get Involved In The Cannabis Industry

I want you to picture the stereotypical cannabis user. What kind of clothes are they wearing? What does their hair look like? Where do they work? Do they look something like this? Now I want you to think about a…

real estate cycle

2019: Where Are We In The Real Estate Cycle?

“Unfortunately, bubbles are only recognized with 100 percent certainty in 20/20 hindsight,” says the man who accurately predicted the 2008 housing crash and the beginning the current housing slowdown. James Stark, who manages well over $1 billion, thinks we are…

investing in 2019 - the turning of the cycle

Investing in 2019 – the turning of the cycle?

He was on the outside patio smoking like a chimney when we walked in the front door of the house. “Who is smoking!?” My wife asked. “Oh, that’s Rick. He’s outside,” replied our neighbor. We had just arrived at our…

bond bite

Boring Bonds, That Will Come Back to Bite

If you were to ask the average investor where their wealth is held, they’d probably say something like, “Stocks, bonds, commodities, cash, and some real estate.” That’s a perfect answer according to most financial advisors. It’s a great idea to…

china invest

“People shouldn’t invest in China so I have less competition.”

“It’s tempting for me to say that, ‘People shouldn’t invest in China so I have less competition.’ So, everyone who is listening: Don’t invest in China.” That’s what David Rubenstein had to say about investing in China while at the…

asia other side of story

The Other Side Of The Asian Story

In the Western world, London and New York are considered the two main financial hubs. New York serves the US and most of the Americas, while London serves the UK and most of Europe. Cities like Toronto, Zurich, Chicago, and…

build it and they will come

Build It and They Will Come. But, Not This Time

It’s all there. Stop signs, fire hydrants, storm drains, and paved roads for miles. The aerial view is hard to really comprehend. An endless maze of pre-planned streets that were built to be the backbone for the next utopian California…

cannabis early adopter

Early Adopters vs Late Comers

I have an extended family member who won’t use Uber. He thinks it’s weird that some stranger will come pick you up anywhere, in their own car, and then you’re supposed to trust them to safely transport you to your…

starbucks real estate colombia

The Whole Foods Real Estate Strategy, Coming To Colombia

When the grocery store chain Whole Foods announces a new location, it’s not the future shoppers who rejoice. Instead, it’s the property owners around the new proposed site that start jumping up and down. It’s been called the Whole Foods…