Explore. Discover. Invest.
Investing , Lifestyle

Going Where Others Won’t

December 22, 2023
Going Where Others Won't

As a kid, I used to love studying maps. My dad gave me a huge National Geographic map book that I would stare at for hours, remembering each country and all of its weird sounding cities.

I’d look at topography markings, bodies of water, and all of the unique geographical features that make our earth so interesting.

One city that always stuck out to me was Cali, Colombia. Growing up in California, I thought the name ‘Cali’ was ironic. But, what made Cali even more interesting was that it was known as the murder capital of the world and home to the Cali Cartel.

What is Cali actually like?” I’d wonder, “What kind of opportunities are there?

I figured that since the city was so dangerous and had such a bad reputation that very few outsiders visited. Of course, that was from my US based skewed view of things… the city is Colombia’s second largest with over 2 million people.

Fast forward a little over a decade and I found myself in Cali, after meeting a random Danish dude online. Patrick is his name, and he’s become one of my lifelong best friends.

Patrick and I have spent many days in remote parts of Colombia exploring coffee farms, real estate, and hidden gems that few will ever see. We’ve also developed properties and he now owns one of Cali’s largest apartment rental companies.

Going Where Others Won’t

Sometimes there are very good reasons to avoid certain places. There really are some dangerous places in the world, where you can get in a lot of trouble.

Fortunately, most of the world is perfectly safe to explore. Of course, that’s if you keep your head on a swivel, don’t look for trouble, and practice basic street smarts. I’ve personally been to dozens of “dangerous” countries and have never had a serious problem. (Well maybe a couple times I’ve had some sketchy situations, like this one.)

Despite the fact that most places are safe to travel to, there is a basic human instinct that tells you to avoid unknown lands. And that’s what keeps crowds away from some of the greatest places to explore right now.

Don’t Go To Guyana

Right now, I’m planning a trip to Guyana. I’ll be inviting fellow investors and explorers who want to join in on the adventure, as I’ve got some exciting things planned.

I first wrote about Guyana in 2019. I’ve recently written again here, and here. The summarized story is:

Guyana has a ton of oil, which could make it the richest country in the world (by a long shot). However, there are recent geopolitical conflicts that are developing. Because of this enormous wealth mixed with uncertainty (and danger), there are real opportunities for those willing to go explore.

When I wrote about Guyana back in September, I received a lot of feedback from readers. Here are two of those emails:

I don’t disagree with either of these messages. But this sentiment is probably how most people view Guyana, which makes the potential opportunities there all the more interesting!

Yes, We’re Going to Guyana

I’ve taken fellow explorers on trips through China, Ukraine, Colombia, and many other far off lands. While I wouldn’t consider Guyana as the most dangerous or exotic, it’s certainly off the beaten path.

I’m currently in talks with several different parties about the details of our trip, and we’ve already sourced several specific investment opportunities. I’m also looking at an adventurous side trip, which is definitely going to be a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Obviously there are some risk factors with what we’ll be doing. And that’s why there will be less competition from other outsiders. We’ll be going where others won’t.