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The most important reason why I see auto ownership peaking is that driving is a pain in the ass… Read More »
In the words of Mugatu, “I feel like I’m taking crazy pills!” That has been my thought for the past week, as I executed a trade that I thought would be a slam dunk. Eventually, I know I’ll end up…
I’m seriously guilty of this. I worry about it all the time, and I bet you do too. It’s that deep-seated feeling that there might be a chance you’ll fall behind; that you’ll screw everything up. You must pay attention…
However, the long term outcome is a closed deal – China will be the world power within most of our lifetimes… Read More »
Before I give you what you want and what you need, let me introduce you to the Inflation Calculator. This is a great tool to understand how inflation works. You can calculate any amount of money over any period of…
It’s the American dream, right? — to pay off your mortgage and live debt free in your home. Wrong. You should never have your home paid off, if you want your hard earned money to actually work for you. I’ll…
Yes, the money that you have in your hand, in your pocket and in drawer of your desk might very well be worth more if you melt it. I’ll provide a quick example before I lose you: If you had…