Explore. Discover. Invest.


Don’t Spend More Than You Make. The Only Budget Rule You Need to Know, Unless You Are The State of Illinois.

Don’t Spend More Than You Make. The Only Budget Rule You Need to Know, Unless You Are The State of Illinois. (Hope Your Pension Isn’t There.)

The Simple Solution To Feed One Billion New Mouths And How You Can Make A Profit

How do we feed one billion new mouths? The answer is very simple. However, the execution of that answer is going to take a lot of work. And money.

Buy Low and Sell High – Lesson From a 17-Year-Old Kid

Buy Low and Sell High – Lesson from a 17-year-old kid on how to play the markets. It’s simple… Sell what others want. Buy what they don’t want.

Is This How Our Market Will Crash?

Is this how our market will crash? Will investors keep plowing money into companies with crazy valuations? Is there any regard to real value?

Sixty Percent of the Time, It Works Every Time

In the words of Anchorman’s Brian Fantana, Sixty Percent of the Time, It Works Every Time. Makes a lot of sense, right? NO!

A Good Idea Can Bring Anyone Together

Really, all it takes is the right people with the right idea… the rest is just execution. And that is exactly what we did in Colombia.

Jack Missed Out… Will You? (Jump at Opportunity!)

There are opportunities around every corner. But, if you just keep letting them pass you by, you’ll never get your “lucky” break.

What’s The Value of Your House? (Are you in this “average” market?)

What’s The Value of Your House? Check out the AVERAGE prices in these homes that are selling in 2017. The combined value is mind boggling.

Asset Allocation – Invest As I Say, Not As I Do

Asset allocation is a hotly debated topic. Often times the cookie-cutter game plan that works for most individuals is simply not the best way to grow wealth

Colombian Real Estate – Why So Cheap?

Colombian real estate is selling for ridiculously low prices. So why is that? Is Colombia really that bad of a place? Is the construction quality bad? What’s going on?