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There’s a lot of problems with writing things on the internet. First of all, it’s just risky in general. Not only are you exposing your level of (or lack of) intelligence, but you also make people believe that you are…
Last night, I proofread a new contract that my wife was signing for her business. She usually has about 1-2 new contracts per week that I look over, just to double check everything. Most contracts are nearly identical, except for…
DISCLAIMER: You should read this first. ___ “Let us suppose now that one day a helicopter flies over this community and drops an additional $1,000 in bills from the sky, which is, of course, hastily collected by members of the community….
DISCLAIMER: Of course this is an uncertain and scary time for everyone, with our entire global health and economy in extreme risk. While many may consider at first read the term ‘Pandemic Profits’ as distasteful, the reality is that major…
Although I rarely talk about it, in my ‘former life’ I used to be a professional firefighter in Los Angeles. What most people don’t realize is that firefighters (at least in the LA area) mostly deal with non-fire emergencies. Where…
On the gambling spectrum, I’d put our lives on one end, while betting on whether a coin lands on heads or tails on the other. Pretty much everything in our lives is a bet, with the only difference being the…
“When will our table be ready?” I asked. “We’re waiting for a party to finish up. It shouldn’t take more than another thirty minutes,” the hostess replied. I looked at her surprised, “Thirty minutes more minutes? Our reservations were for…
I have dozens of embarrassing articles posted all over the internet. I have no idea how to remove them, edit them, or pretend they don’t exist… they all seem to come back and haunt me when I least expect. I’ve…
In the early 1960s, flying from the US to Japan was a big deal. Japan Airlines had just started making transpolar flights the previous year with tickets being hard to come by and extremely expensive. Traveling outside of the US…
We recently invested in a property with a ridiculously low price per square meter. M2 is what ‘price per square meter’ is usually referred as. You’ll find this measurement system pretty much everywhere, except for the United States. Property values…