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No, no, no… I’m not going to talk about buying US real estate. Even though you should think about it… Actually… I’m going to talk about it for just a little bit: US real estate is not particularly cheap right…
For some reason, there is an extreme level of negativity associated with marijuana. It’s as if the cannabis plant and everything that you can make from it is evil and dangerous. Without going ‘full blown conspiracy theory,’ there is substantial…
What if I told you a story that most call a conspiracy? Would you believe me? Or would you just think that I’m some nut-job? Why don’t you judge for yourself… tell me whether you think I am full of…
I know I don’t need to convince you about buying precious metals. I’ve talked about the intrinsic value of metals, about how you should not follow the herd, and how we have a lot of volatility in our future. So,…
If you’re like most Americans (or anybody watching the news) you’ve been bombarded by race wars and cop shootings. Don’t worry, I won’t dog pile on those topics. I will, however, question the media’s focus on those events… what other…
Just face it. Politicians can and do determine the way that you will live your life. It’s a bit scary, but true. Today, I want to show you a video. It has to do with Brexit… but really, the topic…
How to get a house for free. It’s like hitting a whole bunch of birds with one stone. Investing in value sometimes comes with a bunch of freebies.
The Brits are pissed… and they’ve finally made their voice heard. They want out from the globalist club (the EU) that they are handcuffed to. Let’s cut through all the BS and really look at why the UK wants out….
Although I don’t agree with much John Maynard Keynes said, this one quote is something that we should all keep in our minds: “The market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent.” Likewise, Jim Rogers has always said…
On Wednesday I said, “You should borrow as much money as possible to purchase real estate.” A lot of people didn’t like that idea. They said, “debt is scary” and “you shouldn’t make money from planning to leverage yourself…” Well…