Explore. Discover. Invest.


Don’t Let These Guys Determine Your Future

Often times we assume that those in power or in a position to teach are the most qualified for the job. However, that’s often far from the truth.

This Investment’s Door Just Opened a Little More

This investment’s door just opened a little bit more… but even without this new development, Colombia is still a very attractive investment.

Do You Run People Over, Or Hold Their Hand?

It’s one of the easiest ways to ensure your success – it’s how you treat other people. You can ignore them, run them over, or help them.

Cashing In On California’s Green

California’s green market (marijuana) is set to explode. Those who get in early will make many times their money. But there’s danger too.

I Made A Mistake – You Can Learn From It.

I made a mistake, but you can learn from it. Really, it’s a complicated trade that people still fall into, but you can learn from me. Don’t do it.

They Built A Railroad. What Are You Building?

How are you spending your time? Are you building something? Are you taking advantage of all the amazing resources and opportunities we have?

The Market is Now Higher Since Brexit. Will Italy’s Exit Fuel The Market Even Higher?

The Market is Now Higher Since Brexit. Will Italy’s Exit Fuel The Market Even Higher?

Everyone predicted a massive crash, but now the market is higher after Brexit. Will the market march even higher when (if) Italy exits?

How To Double Your Money. There’s Still Time.

Precious metals gold and silver offer significant upside in the coming years. Even though we’ve seen big gains, there are many more to come.

The Best Investment is Something You Drink Everyday?

Water is something that is so simple, we don’t even think about investing in it. But what will the future hold for water? Will it become valuable?

We Don’t Know What’s Going On… But We Can Still Do Well

We Don’t Know What’s Going On… But We Can Still Do Well

Even though we don’t know what’s going on, we can still do well. It’s all about taking a step back and looking at the bigger picture.