Explore. Discover. Invest.


shoe box on wheels

Always Pick The Shoe Box On Wheels. It’ll Pay Off.

He calls it the shoe box on wheels, because that’s what it looks like. It’s basically a square minivan that looks like a cross between a soccer-mom van and a Fast and Furious street racer. Although it may look ridiculous,…

shenzhen top talent

Where Top Talent Is Migrating

After hearing their pitch, my first question was, “So, you’re a Medical Doctor that graduated from Harvard, you’re from Chicago, and you’ve chosen to move to Shenzhen?” “Well, yeah, that’s pretty much the story,” he answered. “So why did you…

pearl river invest

You Should Know About The Pearl River Delta

In four days, we’ll be kicking off our Explorer Partnership trip to China at an exclusive member’s only club in Hong Kong. We have E/P members and guests flying in from nearly 20 different countries to explore the “Greater Bay…

painful due diligence

The Most Painful Due Diligence I’ve Ever Done

Earlier this week, on late Monday afternoon, I was sitting at home on the couch with my daughter. I had just returned from China, so I was trying to catch up on the time difference while watching some cartoon about…

star wars bar

Like Chalmun’s Cantina, Without The Lightsabers

George Lucas searched the world looking for a place to film Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. It was the late 1970’s and he ended up filming a portion of the film in North Africa, which has become one…

“That’s the result of democracy not getting in the way of progress.”

Several years ago, I was staying at the Westin hotel in Guangzhou, China with my wife. We were there to attend the Canton Fair and also check out the city, which has historically been the end of the Silk Road….

Is There A Monster Under Your Bed?

Is There A Monster Under Your Bed? When I was a little kid, I used to be terrified that there was something under my bed. Monster? Alien? I didn’t know…

Best Places In The World For Entrepreneurs To Live – A Look At The Top Locations To Make Money, Pay Low Taxes, And Enjoy A High Quality of Life.

Best Places In The World For Entrepreneurs To Live. A Look At The Top Locations To Make Money, Pay Low Taxes, And Enjoy A High Quality of Life.

A Good Idea Can Bring Anyone Together

Really, all it takes is the right people with the right idea… the rest is just execution. And that is exactly what we did in Colombia.

Jack Missed Out… Will You? (Jump at Opportunity!)

There are opportunities around every corner. But, if you just keep letting them pass you by, you’ll never get your “lucky” break.