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In Search of Yield: Stocks vs Real Estate

In the endless search for yield, many investors lose sight of where they are investing. Stocks vs real estate is always a hotly debated topic.

Are You Confused? So Am I. And So Are Some of the Smartest People Out There.

Are You Confused? So Am I. And So Are Some of the Smartest People Out There.

Verizon just bought Yahoo, if you weren’t aware. I find this deal very strange; or better a better word is “archaic”. Verizon and Yahoo are both very outdated. Yes, they both have tremendous amounts of value (in terms of physical…

How We Can Potentially Get a 20,000% Return (Seriously). And Your Free Asset Buying Guide

Today is a 241 deal. Two for one. Ha. Anyway… there are two things here. #1 is the guide that I promised last week. Some of the suggestions in the guide are no-brainers. Some are not. I include one trick…

What Makes the Market Go Higher? Terrorism, Money Printing, High Gold Prices and Political Controversies

  Here’s a Medium-Risk, Very-High-Reward Trade   I hope you understand that, “Terrorism, Money Printing, High Gold Prices and Political Controversies,” normally make the market crash, or at least retreat. However, that’s not what happened. The market actually reached record…

Making High Yield in a Zero Yield World

What are the effects of long term low or negative interest rates to the world economy? That’s what everyone wants to know. Everyone from the consumer to the policy maker. The real answer is that we don’t know. We can’t…

Buying Real Estate to Make Money – Real Money

Buying Real Estate to Make Money – Real Money

No, no, no… I’m not going to talk about buying US real estate. Even though you should think about it… Actually… I’m going to talk about it for just a little bit: US real estate is not particularly cheap right…

Six Marijuana Stocks You Should Look At

For some reason, there is an extreme level of negativity associated with marijuana. It’s as if the cannabis plant and everything that you can make from it is evil and dangerous. Without going ‘full blown conspiracy theory,’ there is substantial…

Brexit – The Straw That Broke the Camel’s Back?

The Brits are pissed… and they’ve finally made their voice heard. They want out from the globalist club (the EU) that they are handcuffed to. Let’s cut through all the BS and really look at why the UK wants out….

You Won’t See Any of Your Retirement Money

One of the main reasons why people stick to one career throughout their life is retirement. They want a secure paycheck after they retire. A payment they can rely on being delivered to their bank account every month. In return…

Forget About Interest Rates – They’re Literally Worthless

If you’re a home owner, business owner or anyone who is exposed to borrowed money, then you should be concerned about interest rates. A rate increase or decrease will determine what decision you make. But… if you’re just an average…