Explore. Discover. Invest.


Here Comes China – Whether You Like it or Not

On Monday I talked about how the US dollar has enormous influence on the price of commodities. Because the US dollar is the world’s reserve currency, commodity prices are correlated to the strength of the US dollar. But that could…

This Could Change The Way Everything Is Priced

I prefer to invest in real assets. Things that are tangible and that I understand. Things like food, energy, real estate, and even drinks. It’s easy to see why the price of a tangible asset will go up or down….

Understand This To PROFIT From The Next Crisis

Wow. I have a TON of information for you today. I actually have so much to share that I can’t even fit it into this email. Literally, the server won’t let me send it out, so I had to create…

Cut The Crap – What’s Going On With Bonds?

Cut The Crap – What’s Going On With Bonds?

This is a follow up on the numerous articles I have been writing on bonds. I spoke about ‘cheap money’ here. I explained bonds here. And now I am going to share the research and information that I have been…

These Guys Just Blew $80k. I Hope You’re Not Doing The Same.

I have a tiny apology for you today… On Monday, I gave you a link to a bond article I wrote. I really think it’s important for all investors to understand (or really anyone who wants to stay aware of…

Is This The Next Mortgage Backed Security?

Is This The Next Mortgage Backed Security?

“How do I get rich?” It’s the overwhelming question that everyone asks… but, no one listens to the real answer, because they don’t like it. Getting rich, or building wealth, is not a simple one step process. It’s a series…

Boring Bonds… That Can Make You Big Money

Boring Bonds… That Can Make You Big Money

What is a bond? A bond is basically a loan that you are giving a company or government. A company or government sells bonds to raise money to finance whatever they want to get done. Maybe a business wants to…

The Signs We Need To Look For – To Profit From Cheap Money

Cheap money has infiltrated out economy and caused the unsustainable rise in many asset prices. We can profit from this rise, as it crashes back down.

Bet Against Cheap Money

Money has been borrowed cheaply, which means people have used that money to buy expensive things. When will that borrowed money not be paid back?

From Where Do Banks Borrow Money?

Where do banks borrow money from? Or maybe the better question is from who? Once you understand, you may want to move your money out of the bank.