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There has been a lot of talk lately about the imminent World War 3 starting. Some are even saying that we are already in WW3 and it’s just a matter of time until the full momentum really starts. Taking a…
I’m sick of hearing the excuses and accusations of luck. It actually pisses me off; so prepare yourself for this rant. Luck You make your luck. It’s that simple. I’ve had shitty luck and I’ve had great luck. But, guess…
Yes, the money that you have in your hand, in your pocket and in drawer of your desk might very well be worth more if you melt it. I’ll provide a quick example before I lose you: If you had…
They gave you everything you needed from a roof over your head to food on your plate. And while some parents are better than others, we all have one thing in common that all of our parents gave us: life….