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Loans Aren’t Being Repaid. Again.

Loans Aren’t Being Repaid. Again.

It’s what caused the last financial crisis – the GFC. This time it’s a bit different, but loans aren’t being repaid. Again.

How To Beat a Fortune Teller

When a market is made up of buyers that know more than sellers, a breakdown occurs. Perhaps it’s the problem with information overload.

Take Your Pick: Big Returns or Bigger Returns

Investing in gold and silver is boring; but it works and we’re at the beginning of a potential bull run. So, take your pick: big returns or bigger returns.

30% Annual Returns – 5 Ideas

30% annual returns seems crazy. But guess what? People do it all the time. It’s completely achievable; you just have to have the right strategy.

Are You Creating Risk By Following Others?

Investing by doing the same thing as other investors means you are not finding value. Are you creating risk by following others?

Don’t Enter If You Can’t Exit

It’s something that most investors don’t think about. Sometimes there are no buyers, even though you’re up on your investment. Don’t enter if you can’t exit

This Piece of Cardboard Saw a 395% Price Increase in Just Five Years

Collectables have seen an incredible increase in prices lately. What will happen in the future? Will prices continue to skyrocket? Probably not.

It’s Just the Facts Today. Very, Very Alarming Tech Market Facts.

It’s Just the Facts Today. Very, Very Alarming Tech Market Facts.

The FANG stocks are showing us some very worrying signs. Usually extreme increases in value see an equal amount of decline at some point.

Punching Risk in the Face, and Feeling Good About It

There comes a point when you cannot let fear rule your life. You have to just punch risk in the face and break through all the things holding you back.

In Search of Yield: Stocks vs Real Estate

In the endless search for yield, many investors lose sight of where they are investing. Stocks vs real estate is always a hotly debated topic.