Explore. Discover. Invest.


I Was Wrong About The Future Of Marijuana

Things have been moving faster and changing quicker than I could have ever imagined. And there is one thing in particular that will really change the cannabis market… and it’s just starting to happen.

San Francisco, What is Wrong With You?

It’s just very strange to see the extreme wealth and success juxtaposed to the filth and ‘broken-ness’.

I’m tempted to make some sort of comparison to our current stock market and economy in general. Kind of like, “Everything looks fancy and great on the surface, but it’s a big pile of crap just below.”

In Puerto Rico, The Night is Darkest Just Before Dawn

For the minority who understands the bigger picture, there is a tremendous opportunity to position yourself now before the majority realizes what’s going on. Because when the rest of the herd catches on, most of the profits will be gone.

Trash To Treasure – Capitalizing On Stranded Assets

And sometimes companies get it wrong. They end up building systems and infrastructure that become totally useless.

When this happens, companies end up with “stranded assets.”

From Sugar To Chu-Hi To Cannabis

Effective January 1st of this year, Seattle Washington imposed a tax on sugary drinks in an attempt to combat the public health crisis associated with sugar. It’s pretty well known that obesity, heart disease, and type II diabetes have all…

This Is The Easiest Way To Invest In Driverless Cars

Imagine you are an investor living in the U.S. in 1830 – nearly 150 years ago. As an investor, you’re looking for the next big opportunity, the next ‘thing’ that will change the world… and you want to invest in…

A Great Speculative Investment For 2018

When you make a speculative investment, you’re essentially hoping to profit from a price increase. This usually involves huge risk. But, not this one…

The Best Way To Build Wealth – Copy The 1%

If I were to read ‘The Best Way To Build Wealth’ as the title of something, I might cringe a little bit. Generally, it’s pretty hard to claim ‘the best’ of anything. The best hotdog? The best hotel? The best…

Incomes Are Declining. Don’t Be A Victim Of Circumstance

Younger generations are becoming a victim of circumstance.

And that’s where the opportunity lies…

Here Are A Bunch Of Reasons You Should NOT Invest In The Stock Market

In fact, there are even stories about cats walking across people’s home computers and accidentally executing trades.

Seriously. A cat. Can trade stocks.