Explore. Discover. Invest.


Don’t Let Your Investments Burn – Wildfire Prevents Wildfire

Don’t let your investments burn. In nature, we see natural cycles where dead material gets cleaned out. Without this process, disaster strikes.

“Just put it in your pants and walk across the border.”

“Just put it in your pants and walk across the border.” That’s what he told me. That was the solution to the crisis. Venezuela gold… it’s there.

Marijuana ETF – Too Good To Be True?

Marijuana ETF – Too Good To Be True? Sometimes the challenges with investing come from regulation. But there’s always a way around that!

A New Trade Route That You Can Profit From

Just like the early explorers who were searching for new trade routes, this new market is opening up for those who want to profit.

SOLD OUT Colombia Trip – ( And Keeping Your Wealth and Staying Alive )

Keeping your wealth and staying alive… that’s what comes to mind when the world starts to go crazy… or at least that’s what the feedback says.

Hey Millennials! You Don’t Have to Buy a House

Seriously. Traditional wealth building strategies tell you to buy a house. But guess what? It doesn’t work the same anymore for millennials. Adapt!

Investing in Xenophobia

Investing in xenophobia sounds weird. But, it basically means that you’ll invest where others are afraid to go… that’s the uncrowded trade.

Books You Should Read To Grow Financially And Increase Your Wealth

I probably get asked this question more than any other: What books should I read to learn how to invest and build my wealth?

How To Be An Opportunistic Plagiarist

Some of the greatest investors out there have just copied the trends and strategies of others. Just stay disciplined and do what works (be an opportunistic plagiarist)?

The Most Obvious Investment Of The 21st Century

The Most Obvious Investment Of The 21st Century – seriously. Surprisingly (and shockingly) very few have adapted to take advantage.