Explore. Discover. Invest.


A New Trade Route That You Can Profit From

Just like the early explorers who were searching for new trade routes, this new market is opening up for those who want to profit.

Hey Millennials! You Don’t Have to Buy a House

Seriously. Traditional wealth building strategies tell you to buy a house. But guess what? It doesn’t work the same anymore for millennials. Adapt!

The Most Obvious Investment Of The 21st Century

The Most Obvious Investment Of The 21st Century – seriously. Surprisingly (and shockingly) very few have adapted to take advantage.

10 Things You Must Know About Personal Finance

10 things you must know about personal finance if you are just starting out. Follow as many of these tips as possible… and you’ll be just fine.

Billionaires Are Indicating A Recession Has Already Started

Billionaires Are Indicating A Recession Has Already Started

Billionaires are showing us something that hasn’t happened since the last two financial meltdowns. Is it different this time?

Podcast Interview on The Reed Harvey Show

Podcast Interview on The Reed Harvey Show

This is a great interview I did on The Reed Harvey Show. We cover all kinds of topics and discuss everything from investing to life to travel.

Look For The Exits (careful, graphic video)

Look For The Exits (careful, graphic video)

Look for the exits. That’s what I always do. It’s something that has been burned into my mind. Literally. This same strategy should be used for investing.

Nobody Wants A Strong Dollar

Nobody Wants A Strong Dollar

Nobody wants a strong dollar. Yes, for dollar holders, everything seems alright. But, there is another side to this story…

How To Profit From Inflation

How To Profit From Inflation

How to profit from inflation. Sounds counter-intuitive, right? But, yes it is possible to actually profit from inflation, instead of just be a victim.

A Lesson For You And A Lesson For Me

This is the exact reason why buying an ETF is not only easier and cheaper… but also limits your risk by diversifying your holdings.