Explore. Discover. Invest.


“That’s the result of democracy not getting in the way of progress.”

Several years ago, I was staying at the Westin hotel in Guangzhou, China with my wife. We were there to attend the Canton Fair and also check out the city, which has historically been the end of the Silk Road….

Don’t Listen To The Peanut Gallery

“Darryl… Daaaarrrrryyyyyyllllll… DAAARRRRYYYYYLLLLLLL…” They were chanting his name all game long. Every time the inning switched, Darryl would run out to right field and the heckling would start right away.  I was maybe seven years old and we were sitting…

fat pitch cannabis

When You See A Fat Pitch, You’ve Got To Swing

Sir John Templeton is one of the most famous investors to have ever lived. His claims to fame include everything from buying stocks at the bottom of the great to depression to shorting the dot com bubble. At the time…

3 Businesses To Start Right Now In This Crisis Location

The island is bankrupt, the teachers are striking, the power is out, and hurricane season is only one month away. If you were to search “Puerto Rico” online, those are the topics of discussion about the US territory located in…

Puerto Rico… the next Shenzhen?

Ruling China from 1949 until his death in 1976, Mao Zedong may be one of the world’s most important individuals, as he helped shape the way that China looks today. As authoritarian dictator (or more politely called a ‘communist leader’),…

Accredited Investor… Wait I Mean, Accredited Interrogator

As an investor, if you rely on the regulators who can’t even understand Facebook, let alone create realistic accredited investor guidelines, you’re going to be left in a world that has passed you by.

I Was Wrong About The Future Of Marijuana

Things have been moving faster and changing quicker than I could have ever imagined. And there is one thing in particular that will really change the cannabis market… and it’s just starting to happen.

San Francisco, What is Wrong With You?

It’s just very strange to see the extreme wealth and success juxtaposed to the filth and ‘broken-ness’.

I’m tempted to make some sort of comparison to our current stock market and economy in general. Kind of like, “Everything looks fancy and great on the surface, but it’s a big pile of crap just below.”

In Puerto Rico, The Night is Darkest Just Before Dawn

For the minority who understands the bigger picture, there is a tremendous opportunity to position yourself now before the majority realizes what’s going on. Because when the rest of the herd catches on, most of the profits will be gone.

Trash To Treasure – Capitalizing On Stranded Assets

And sometimes companies get it wrong. They end up building systems and infrastructure that become totally useless.

When this happens, companies end up with “stranded assets.”