Explore. Discover. Invest.


Invest in B.O.A.T. – The Opportunity is HUGE Right Now

As several hurricanes have caused massive damage over the past several weeks, there is an opportunity to invest in B.O.A.T.

A Look At What HNWI’s Are Doing

Globally, almost 70% of HNWI’s are self-made, so it’s safe to say that these people know how to make and grow their money. Where are they investing?

BTFD – How Is ‘Less Bad’ Actually ‘Good?’

“Sixty-eight percent [of investors] now say they are optimistic about the stock market’s performance during the next year, matching the record high for the question from December 1999 and January 2000.”

Perfect Storm for Contrarian Investing

This is almost a perfect storm for contrarian investing. Just when you think things can’t get any worse, they do. Which creates an even bigger opportunity.

Want To Make Some Money? Get Involved In One Of These 4 Big Markets

Want To Make Some Money? While everyone has been focused on high-flying tech, these industries have been slowly plugging along with little attention.

You Might Not Understand. When You Get Here, You Will.

“You might not understand. When you get here, you will. Trust me.”

That’s what I told a friend recently. He was coming to Los Angeles for the first time and was trying to schedule out his trip.

Are You Living A Financial Fairytale?

Are You Living A Financial Fairytale? At what point does reality start to creep in and make the fairytale into a nightmare?

Is There A Monster Under Your Bed?

Is There A Monster Under Your Bed? When I was a little kid, I used to be terrified that there was something under my bed. Monster? Alien? I didn’t know…

Bitcoin Investing – Do You Even Know What That Means?

Bitcoin Investing – Do You Even Know What That Means? The majority of Bitcoin investors don’t even understand its purpose.

Are ETFs Good or Bad? The Risks of Buying at a Top

Are ETFs good or bad? Are they the foolproof investing tool for all investors? Or are they a trap that will clear out a lot of wealth in the coming years?