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Several years ago, I was staying at the Westin hotel in Guangzhou, China with my wife. We were there to attend the Canton Fair and also check out the city, which has historically been the end of the Silk Road….
It started off as a way to become disciplined. By writing down thoughts and ideas, you can quickly figure out if you’re on to something good… or if you’re just wasting your time. Has that ever happened to you? You…
“Darryl… Daaaarrrrryyyyyyllllll… DAAARRRRYYYYYLLLLLLL…” They were chanting his name all game long. Every time the inning switched, Darryl would run out to right field and the heckling would start right away. I was maybe seven years old and we were sitting…
Sir John Templeton is one of the most famous investors to have ever lived. His claims to fame include everything from buying stocks at the bottom of the great to depression to shorting the dot com bubble. At the time…
The island is bankrupt, the teachers are striking, the power is out, and hurricane season is only one month away. If you were to search “Puerto Rico” online, those are the topics of discussion about the US territory located in…
Ruling China from 1949 until his death in 1976, Mao Zedong may be one of the world’s most important individuals, as he helped shape the way that China looks today. As authoritarian dictator (or more politely called a ‘communist leader’),…
“Oh, it was about 850 feet,” she said.“What?!” I replied. “Yeah, it was a little shorter than three football fields.” “And you were in charge of the whole thing?” I asked. “Well, yeah. I would basically instruct the ship to…
Estoy lleno! (I’m full!) Over the next two weeks, I’m going to attempt to spill my guts to you. Actually, a better way to put it is, I’m going to try to regurgitate all of the information I’ve learned over the…
I’m sitting in New Jersey right now, looking at the skyline of Manhattan. Here in New Jersey, income tax for top earners is nearly 9%, while over in New York they’ll be paying just a fraction less. Both of these…
April 20th has long been the unofficial international cannabis holiday. The story behind the date isn’t really that exciting… it’s based around some high school kids in California who would smoke marijuana at 4:20pm every day. 4:20 evolved to 4/20…