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I lose money every time I host a dinner, yet they are my best investments. That’s because there is extreme value to gathering like-minded, successful individuals in a private room… Especially if you feed them well! This past week in…
Debating the best investment market in the world is a losing battle. The answer is simple: The United States is the best place to invest in the world, by a long shot. I could share dozens of charts with you,…
Who doesn’t like an investing fortune telling session? I mean, that’s what the entire investing newsletter industry is built upon, right? People want to know the future, and that’s especially true when it comes to the ability to make more…
It’s pretty hard to find inexpensive things these days. Everything just feels overpriced. Food, real estate, and especially the stock market. The reason for this is pretty simple: Governments around the world printed money like crazy to prop up economies…
If you ever want people to stare at you strangely, just walk through the DFW airport with a surfboard. It’s not the first time I’ve done it, but I guess the Texas mind cannot comprehend that their state is home…
The ignored war in Africa continues. Now, uranium in Niger is being transferred from France to Russia. Watch the video here: – France sent in special forces to Niger in 2013, to protect French state owned uranium operator Areva (Reuters;…
I just found out about some shocking information in the shipping industry. The bad news is that this information could significantly hurt our economy. The good news is that I found a couple different ways to invest in this upcoming…
In 2022 I wrote about how my neighbor, who’s a public school teacher, made a million bucks in two years. He timed the market perfectly, bought in the ideal location, and made his graceful exit with impeccable timing. Since his…
Crypto is the only topic that is more taboo than politics or religion. You can discuss church or the latest political event with your friends and family, even though it may come with some raised eyebrows and finger pointing. However,…
Last night, at dinner, I overheard the wildest conversation of my life. I’m going to tell you what I heard, but I can’t say exactly where it happened. As you’ll see, there are reasons why I shouldn’t be sharing this……