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A Dazzle of Galloping Zebras

March 22, 2025
trump bathroom

There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen.



I don’t particularly like quoting Lenin, but I can’t think of a better way to explain the past month.

That’s both globally and personally.

It’s been challenging to keep up with world affairs and market fluctuations. The changes are happening so frequently, and quickly, that it’s hard not to get distracted.

Like a lion trying to focus on a dazzle of galloping zebras.

To combat this confusion, myself and two buddies decided to take the opposite approach. Instead of diving into the melee of turmoil, we trekked away from it all.

Starting in the coffee district of Colombia, we hiked for several days (with a professional guide) until we summited one of the highest mountains in the region, at over 17,000′.

tolima summit

Although it wasn’t the highest peak I’ve ever summited, it was certainly one of the most difficult.

The normal switchback trails that climbers usually use to ascend a mountain were nowhere to be seen.

Instead, we were presented with a straight beeline climb up vertical rocky outcroppings, volcanic sand, and a massive glacier face.

tolima descent

Similar to the movie 180 Degrees South, we were “conquerors of the useless.”

That is, our end goal was just as meaningless as the start of our adventure.

But I guess it’s the journey that counts?

After returning from Colombia to catch up with my family, I then took a quick two day trip to Austin, Texas.

In an underground brewery from the mid-1800’s, I hosted a dinner along with Austin Brawner (we publish the weekly Adventure Capitalist podcast / YouTube together).

austin dinner

Despite the freezing Austin temperatures, we were only able to host half of the people who reached out.

Chelsea, who many of you know, was able to record one of my impromptu speeches and transcribe it into an article that you can read here. (TL;DR = US is the best country in the world, but it’s expensive AF. Other countries are cheap as sheeet, so take your pick. Long story short, buy BTC.)

After Austin, it was off to Mar-a-Lago.

Do any of you recognize the guy in the middle of the picture below? He’s the former CEO of one of Explorer’s first very profitable investments.

He invited me to Whitehouse South, so I of course joined.

And, as usual, I was under-dressed… but the secret service still let me in.


Just in case you were wondering what picture is inside the men’s bathroom at Mar-a-Lago…

trump bathroom

I’m off to Denver tomorrow. That should wrap up my chaotic February.